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Deep Plane Facelift with Twilight Sedation

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Dr. Sadati’s Deep Plane Facelift with Twilight Sedation in Orange County

The Deep Plane Facelift is the crown jewel of facial plastic surgery. This procedure delights patients by tightening up the skin and muscles around the face and neck, eliminating jowls and loose skin along the jawline and midface. This emphasis on a deeper plane of anatomy gives the technique its name: deep plane facelift. Orange County Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Kevin Sadati takes this life-improving procedure to new levels of comfort and effectiveness by performing his deep plane facelifts under twilight sedation rather than general anesthesia. Read on to learn more about the unique techniques Dr. Sadati uses during his deep plane facelifts to maximize your anti-aging results. 

The Deep Plane, Explained

What is a deep plane facelift?

A deep plane facelift is a modified facelift surgery (rhytidectomy) that targets the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system) and the skin along the middle and lower portions of the face.

This “deep plane” technique goes beyond the traditional “SMAS” facelift by tightening the skin and muscle layers together rather than independently. By doing this, Dr. Sadati preserves the connection between the skin and musculature, delivering a more natural-looking result than older iterations of the facelift.

Orange County deep plane facelift model with black hair

What is twilight sedation?

Twilight sedation (also known as IV sedation) is a milder form of sedation than general anesthesia that delivers sedatives directly to the veins through an IV. Unlike general anesthesia, with twilight sedation you can breathe independently and will not require a breathing tube. Dr. Sadati can use a combination of twilight sedation and local anesthetic to ensure you will remain comfortable throughout the procedure and recover faster. General anesthesia can leave you groggy for a day or two after surgery as your system clears, but IV sedation offers a much faster path back to feeling like yourself again.

Orange County deep plane facelift model with brown hair

A Deeper Lift

What can a deep plane facelift do?

When performed by Orange County Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Kevin Sadati, a deep plane facelift with twilight sedation is a substantial, natural-looking improvement to the midface and jawline. You will see reductions in wrinkles, nasolabial folds, hanging skin along the jawline, drooping cheeks, and other common signs of facial aging.

By preserving the connections between the skin and SMAS, Dr. Sadati can tailor the results to your unique facial contours, so the final results make you look like you, only younger. If you are starting to see the signs of facial aging deepening, are healthy enough to undergo surgery, and want to see a noticeable improvement in your face that lasts for years, it might be time to consider a deep plane facelift with twilight sedation.

Know for Sure

Your Consultation with Dr. Kevin Sadati

When it comes to facial plastic surgery, Dr. Kevin Sadati has the one thing money can’t buy: experience. As one of California’s most sought-after plastic surgeons, Dr. Sadati performs this procedure hundreds of times each year. He knows what to look for and how to ensure you get your desired results. During your consultation, you will meet with Dr. Sadati. You will have ample time to have all your questions addressed. Dr. Sadati will examine your face and skin, review your medical history, address the pros and cons of the procedure, and help you determine your next steps. By the time you are through, you will know whether or not a deep plane facelift with twilight sedation is in your future. 

Respect for the Process

Deep Plane Facelift Preparation and Procedure

There is so much more to a deep plane facelift than what happens on surgery day. Following your consultation, Dr. Sadati will give you a list of pre-op and post-op instructions to prepare your body to undergo the procedure successfully. Dr. Sadati may ask you to make certain adjustments to your lifestyle in the weeks before surgery, such as avoiding supplements that can increase bleeding or bruising and stopping smoking.

Additional Reading

On surgery day, Dr. Sadati will review your plan with you as you get prepped for your deep plane facelift. You will receive an intravenous solution that will put you comfortably at ease, so you do not have to worry about feeling any pain during the procedure. Dr. Sadati will carefully make incisions at the appropriate locations to adjust the skin and SMAS together, eliminate any excess skin, and then close the incisions. You will then be allowed to recover at your leisure in a recovery room before going home.

Better. Faster.

Deep Plane Facelift Recovery, Results, and Aftercare

Deep plane facelifts are an outpatient procedure, but you will want to have someone drive you home after as you will still be too groggy to drive, even without general anesthesia. While deep plane facelifts tend to have shorter recovery times than legacy facelift surgery, each patient heals at their own pace. You will likely need to keep the incisions bandaged for the first two days after surgery. After two to three weeks, you should see a noticeable recovery and decrease in swelling to the point where you can return to work. Your final results will take a few months to settle in as residual swelling fades. Your scars will be minimal, hidden, and will fade over time.

Maintaining your Deep Plane Facelift results

Following your recovery, your face will continue to age normally, just as it did before your procedure. However, it will reverse the signs of aging by years. To preserve those results, you should continue to care for your face the way you normally would. Wear sunscreen, moisturize well, and consult Dr. Sadati about skincare products for you to incorporate into your daily routine. If you take good care of your skin, your results will continue to look beautiful for years to come after your facelift.

Orange County deep plane facelift model with grey hair

Deep plane Facelift FAQS

Does a deep plane facelift leave scars?

While all facelifts leave scars, not all scars are equal. Dr. Sadati is meticulous about his incisions, taking great care with placement and closing to make the scars as inconspicuous as possible. The scars tend to fade to the point where they are either hidden or not noticeable over time.

Can I get a deep plane facelift during pregnancy?

Dr. Sadati does not recommend this procedure during pregnancy, as it will require either twilight sedation or general anesthesia. You should wait until after giving birth for this procedure.

What is the cost of a deep plane facelift?

The cost of your deep plane facelift can range from $25,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on the degree of intervention needed and the experience of the surgeon. Dr. Sadati is a highly experienced and technically talented surgeon. The cost of a poor surgery on your life and your wallet is far more expensive than paying to get it done right the first time, so Dr. Sadati encourages patients to choose the surgeon they trust, rather than the lowest price. During your consultation, Dr. Sadati will give you detailed estimates and financing options so you can make the right financial decision regarding your care.

359 San Miguel Dr, Suite 110, Newport Beach, CA 92660

At our office, patients are introduced to our practice by meeting with Dr. Kevin Sadati for an initial comprehensive consultation. During this appointment, Dr. Sadati invests time in getting to know each individual patient, as well as his or her goals and expectations for surgery. Patients will meet all of the caring staff and receive top-notch customer service while experiencing Dr. Sadati's unrivaled patient care.